Inside #quadstudios we unveil the #creationofgreatness Multimedia Experience with some of the most innovative and creative minds within Generation Z pop and music culture.

Face-to-Face visual interviews with @themillennialgeneral @kareeshforreal @angiestarrz

Professional Photoshoot for each artist

Recording session with premium music engineers

Premium networking with music executives with real power to make moves. #success #vp

Premium footage shot inside Times Square and STK Restaurant in New York @eatstk for dinner.

Each artist receives 15 pieces of visual content.

The event will be featured on #allhiphop #hollywoodunlocked @stupiddope

@iamjopaul @dchamberzciw @russpg22 @smitbdmceo need all four to pull up.

New York has a new monetization movement @amilkhemy #allmoneyislegal

#radiopushers #resultsandnohype #believeinyourself #betonyourself #consistencyiskey #dreambig #dreamhustlewin #nevergiveup #NEVERSETTLE #neverfold #newpostalert #trustdaprocess #silentmovesloudresults #webuiltdifferent #themarathoncontinues #marathonlife

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